Mult indragitul serial de la CBS Jericho revine in atentie cu un film pentru marile ecrane. Dupa prima serie serialul a fost intrerupt, apoi a revenit la insistentele fanilor cu inca o serie pentru a fi intrerupt din nou .
Conform publicatiei IFMagazine se lucreaza deja la Filmul Jericho. Este realizat in asa fel incat nu este nevoie sa vezi serialul dar cine mai are nevoie.
“We’re developing a feature for JERICHO,” says Turteltaub. “It would not require you to have seen the TV show, but it get into life after an event like this on a national scale. It would be the bigger, full on American version of what’s going on beyond the town in Jericho.”
And what about the TV cast – would they return?
“Oh yeah!”
Sursa: IFmagazine – Exclusive Breaking News: ‘JERICHO’ THEATRICAL MOVIE IN DEVELOPMENT